How does it work?
Depending on the selected frequency, one of the six available filters is activated. This is done by controlling a relay at the input and a relay at the output.

1 = 1.6 ==> 2.5 MHz
2 = 2.5 ==> 4.0 MHz
3 = 4.0 ==> 7.5 MHz
4 = 7.5 ==> 14.5 MHz
5 = 14.5 ==> 22 MHz
6 = 22 ==> 30 MHz
The setup:

Measuring results:
Insertion Loss Filter 1:

At 1.8 to 2 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.4 dB. This means a loss 8.8 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 8.8 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 1.8 MHZ is 3.6 MHz = 17dB
second harmonic of 2 MHZ is 4 MHz = 31dB
third harmonic of 1.8 MHZ is 5.4 MHz = 46dB
third harmonic of 2 MHZ is 6 MHz = 56dB

Insertion Loss Filter 2:

At 3.5 to 3.8 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.18 dB. This means a loss 4 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 4 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 3.5 MHZ is 7 MHz = 16.5dB
second harmonic of 3.8 MHZ is 7.6 MHz = 27dB
third harmonic of 3.5 MHZ is 10.5 MHz = 56dB
third harmonic of 3.8 MHZ is 11.4 MHz = 52dB

Insertion Loss detail Filter 2:

Insertion Loss Filter 3:

At 7 to 7.2 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.4 dB. This means a loss 8.8 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 8.8 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 7.2 MHZ is 14.4 MHz = 50dB
third harmonic of 7 MHZ is 21 MHz =39dB
third harmonic of 7.2 MHZ is 21.6 MHz = 39dB

Insertion Loss detail Filter 3:

Insertion Loss Filter 4:

At 14 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.3 dB. This means a loss 6.5 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 6.5 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 14.5 MHZ is 29 MHz = 40dB
third harmonic of 14 MHZ is 42 MHz =73dB
third harmonic of 14.4 MHZ is 43.2 MHz = 63dB

Insertion Loss detail Filter 4:

Insertion Loss Filter 5:

At 21 MHz to 21.5 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.4 dB. This means a loss 8.8 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 8.8 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 21 MHZ is 42 MHz = 27dB
second harmonic of 21.5 MHZ is 43 MHz = 29dB
third harmonic of 21 MHZ is 63 MHz = 53dB
third harmonic of 21.5 MHZ is 64.5 MHz = 57dB

Insertion Loss detail Filter 5:

Insertion Loss Filter 6:

At 28 MHz to 30 MHZ Insertion loss is 0.4 dB. This means a loss 8.8 %. When transmitting with a power of 100 Watts, 8.8 watts will be lost in this filter.
Harmonic suppression:
second harmonic of 28 MHZ is 46 MHz = 34dB
second harmonic of 30 MHZ is 60 MHz = 43dB
third harmonic of 28 MHZ is 84 MHz = 39dB
third harmonic of 30 MHZ is 90 MHz = 41dB

Insertion Loss detail Filter 6:
